Sunday, February 21, 2016

Chief Minister's Reading Challenge

From Monday 22 February to Friday 9 September 2016, the Chief Minister's Reading Challenge for the ACT, will be in full swing. Kids all over the territory are invited to participate in this wonderful initiative--and all they need to do is read 15 books in that time (or many, many more, of course!).

Schools can register for the Challenge online and each student keeps an individual reading record. Books can include anything that interests them, from poetry to novels and non-fiction.

I'm so excited to be a CMRC ambassador for 2016, along with other local book aficionados, Irma Gold, Jack Heath, Tracey Hawkins and Virginia Haussegger.

Learn more about how to participate here, and meet the 2016 Ambassadors here. We will be visiting schools around town these coming six months... I hope to see you at your school!

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