Friday, February 12, 2016

International Book Giving Day 2016

Tomorrow, 14 February, is International Book Giving Day!

Perfectly timed with Valentine's Day--what could be more loving that giving the gift of story ... and literacy? You can give books to your kids, to your partner, to your friends or colleagues. You can give books to medical centres or women's shelters or to strangers. Or you can even give them to yourself.

Tomorrow I'll be handing a stash of books I've been saving to up - to random kids in the street. I'll also be heading to a local bookstore to buy up tomes for my kids--and thankfully, it will be my birthday next week and I always gift myself books for my birthday!

Who will you be giving a book to this IBGD? Be sure to use the #bookgivingday hashtag to share your activity!

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