Saturday, October 10, 2015

Book Launch for Australian Kids Through the Years

We had the loveliest launch for Australian Kids Through the Years at the National Library today, during their Imaginarium Family Day.

What an amazing afternoon--seeing kids descend en masse for all manner of cool happenings, from mini helicopter flying to an enormous chessboard, 3D printing, paper plane fyling, musical instruments made from fruit, the Scrabble Championship and of course--authors!

Stephanie Owen Reeder (above) had littlies grooving along to her Dance Like a Pirate book, followed by Pauline Deeves (below) and her glimpse into the past--how life was lived a hundred years ago and how dolls were often made from hankies (her hanky was clean)!

Next was my launch for Australian Kids Through the Years--and the children were clearly story-lovers. They were just so engaged and so clever. Who'd have thought that a 6-year-old would know that a fiddle was a violin!?

After a book signing, David Astle had kids mucking around with words in a wonderful way, then Stephanie did a presentation on her book Lost! (alas, I couldn't stay for that one).

Congratulations to the National Library for a superb afternoon!

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