Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Tea with JT - author interview

I first met Jenny Tiffen back in 2009. She is one of these Renaissance women--four gorgeous kids, once ran a fitness business and several other initiatives, now blogs (as Love Wednesday fantastic blog--you must check it out!) and writes for several sites including Canberra's The Riot ACT. She's also one of these freakish women who is not only a gorgeous person, she's beautiful, sharp as a tack, dedicated, dynamic, creative and FUNNY!

So it was a joy to catch up with her for tea at Local Press in Kingston this week for a chat and an interview for the Riot ACT. Oh, and she's also brilliant with photography--and most graciously put up with my paranoia over being photographed for the interview. Typical author used to living alone in a dark hole. I think she's done an excellent job of photo shopping my part of the images, don't you!?

You can see the full interview here. It was a lot of fun. Thanks, Jen!

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