Friday, April 29, 2016

Exploring Time and Place Through Children's Literature

from Australian Kids Through the Years, image by Andrew Joyner

Not sure if you know (!), but I love books. And reading. And other cultures. And watching children grow and learn and thrive with the inclusion of all three of these vital components in their lives.

A few months ago, I was asked to write an article for Connections magazine, an initiative of the Schools Catalogue Information Service, which serves schools and libraries in both Australia and New Zealand. The article has just been published in the magazine, and is also online.

In it, I discuss the importance of exposing children to books featuring other places, times, races and cultures. I talk about the benefits of multicultural exposure, which include broader minds and a deeper understanding of both the self and others. Children exposed to other ways of life have a greater willingness to explore and experience life to its fullest, and to pursue friendship, relationship and career opportunities unbound by prejudice, stereotypes and limited thinking.

Now do you know why I love books, reading and other cultures?

You can read the entire article right here.

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