Saturday, July 30, 2016

One Word Wisdom with author Kaaron Warren

1. What is the best thing about being an author? 

2. What�s the worst thing? 

3. How did writing your novel The Grief Hole make you feel? 

4. What do you hope it brings its readers? 

5. What else do you like to do? 

6. Who has influenced your writing the most? 

7. What has been your biggest career reward?

8. What is the most important contribution an author can make to the world?

9. What�s your biggest writing goal? 

10. What�s next? 

Kaaron Warren has been publishing horror and science fiction for more than 20 years. She�s won awards close to home (the Canberra Critics Circle Award) and far away (the Shirley Jackson Award). Kaaron has lived in Melbourne, Sydney, Canberra and Fiji. She�s sold more than 200 short stories, three novels (the multi-award-winning Slights, Walking the Tree and Mistification) and six short story collections including the multi-award-winning Through Splintered Walls. Her latest novel is The Grief Hole (IFWG Publishing Australia) will launch at the Canberra Writers Festival in August 2016.

Pre-order The Grief Hole here, and learn more about 
Kaaron's fabulous books at her website.

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