Tuesday, January 5, 2016

sunshiny buckwheat pancakes with coconut yoghurt

During our Christmas trip to Queensland's Sunshine Coast, it was glorious to spend time with friends and family, and it was also glorious to continue to explore this beautiful part of the world--a place I feel a real connection with.

The tiny hinterland towns are some of my favourite places on the planet--and I've always loved Maleny, Buderim,  Montville and Eumundi (the Eumundi markets are superb).

On this trip, we visited Woombye, and stopped at a coffee shop for brunch where I had the most divine buckwheat pancake with yoghurt and banana.

Inspired by this delicious feast, I cooked up my own buckwheat pancake version for the family. This treat is not only gluten-free and dairy-free (other than the eggs), it's low-GI and absolutely delicious.

Combine 2 cups buckwheat flour with 2 tsp baking powder and a scant tsp of baking soda. Ad 1/4 tsp nutmeg, 1/2 tsp cinnamon and a good pinch of sea salt flakes.

Whisk 1 1/2 cups almond or soy milk (I use unsweetened almond), 2 eggs, 2 tsp vanilla extract (you can make your own with a vanilla pod and vodka--though plan in advance as it takes a good 6 months to mature) and lastly, 4 tablespoons of naturally-sweetened coconut yoghurt. If you like dairy, you could also use naturally-sweetened fruit or plain yoghurt like Jalna.

Mix wet with dry until just combined. Cook in coconut oil until just browned underneath then flip and cook no longer than a minute. Be sure not to over cook.

Serve with a good splotch of coconut yoghurt, sliced banana, a shaving of fresh nutmeg and a good squeeze of lime. I sprinkled mine with chopped pistachios and you could also serve with slivers of nectarine and raspberries.

If you make them small enough, you can freeze them for up to a month. Just pop them in the toaster to defrost! A quick brekkie.


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