Thursday, December 29, 2016

a quiet Christmas and a shiny new year

Well, hello everybody. How was your Christmas? Was it warm or cold where you were? Did you eat seafood? Fruit mince pies? Antipasto in the sunshine? Flaming puddings by the snow-banked window? Did you open presents under the palm tree on Christmas morning or did you wait till the afternoon, with fat bellies popping by the fire?

Our day started not-too-early--07:30, gasp. Yes, for our family, the 04:30 days are long gone (though I fully empathise with those who are still entrenched!). We waited 40 mins for my girl Ella to zhuzh herself up (which gave me time to drink my Daily Tea in bed) and then it was under the tree for our traditional personalised Christmas cookies, with Riley as Christmas elf. This year, it was gingerbread with lemon icing in random filigree patterns. Mmmm. They were delish.

By the time the pressies were done, it was time to start cooking. It's been a looooong time since I've made Christmas lunch, and my goodness, even for four people, it takes a while, non??? Why is that?

Hubster whacked our glazed ham and pork roast in the Weber, and I got to roasting things in the oven and prettying up la table. It was hot here at our house, so it was an indoor meal for us. My setting was inspired by the colours and flavours of Donna Hay's 2016 Christmas magazine, the metallic sparkle of this year's Kikki-K range and a last-minute pre-Xmas sale at Provincial Home Living (no, this is not a sponsored post--just love love love).

I have quite a thing for origami, and these little gold trees (above right) are super easy and so cute. They were place-markers. And I made the green ones as gifts for those we've lost--my parents, and the hubster's father. They were surrounded by tealights.

The twirling musical manger scene (above right, below right) was one of my Christmas gifts. I'm not a religious person, but I so believe in the spirit and meaning of Christmas, and the message of love, so we always have a nativity scene in our house. I just adore, adore this. It spins around to Hark, the Herald Angels Sing, and the little angels wobble.

Strangely, orchids mean Christmas to me. They also mean Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And as Christmas fell on a Sunday, they had to join in.


Speaking of obsession--Christmas pyramids that spin under tealights. Oh my. I first saw them in real life in Brugges back in early 2013--so hunted them down when we got home (Dusk have them). I have two but I'd like a million. You can see my taller one on the left of the image at the very top of this post. It's just too beautiful for words. Some close-ups, below, along with balsa wood deer from Target (Scandi is another obsession).

While lunch was roasting up in a roasting kitchen, we nibbled on spoils from an easy-peasy antipasto platter, with the intention of creating the least possible amount of washing up (another Christmas gift).

Then, when everything magically came together, and hubster and I were almost too exhausted to carve, we sat for pork, ham, roast spuds and parsnips, beans, Brussells sprouts with chorizo (I am the world's greatest sprout lover, and will conjure any form to convert my children--I'm still trying!) and a roast pumpkin, feta and baby spinach salad.

Of all ironies, the heat sapped our appetites, and we only nibbled at the meal, with dessert untouched till 4pm! Upside: leftovers till 2018. Almost literally.

Dessert was my famous candy cane ice cream pudding. It's a hugely complicated exercise. Smash candy canes to pieces, fold through softened best-quality vanilla ice cream. Plop into a clingfilm-lined pudding bowl. Place a circle of cake or gingerbread on top, cover and freeze. Upend onto a plate just before serving. Pour over melted dark chocolate and sprinkle on sparkly bits, if sparkly bits are required (always required here).

Volcanically divine, and yes, you are allowed to eat it for dinner that night.

Additionally, we had a gingerbread trifle (below) which is just smooshed up ginger cake (you can douse this in Stone's Ginger Wine or dark rum--or, like us--you can simply pour, at liberty, over your own serving) layered with salted caramel sauce and vanilla custard. Top with a snowy mountain of unsweetened whipped cream and gingerbread crumbles*.

If you like more intense gingery heat, just finely dice crystallised ginger and scatter that through the layers (or on top), along with a good grinding of black pepper. Insanely good. Deer and evergreen optional.

*It's perfectly, perfectly okay to pop into the market and get pre-made cake, sauce, custard and gingerbread for this. If, however, you'd rather start from scratch and even crystallise your own ginger, all power to you.

Oh, and we also had my mother's Christmas cake (I make two every year--one for eating on the spot, whilst still pumping out heat, and one for marinating over two months till D-Day). We finally began digging into this on the 29th!

As for the rest of the day, these $10 virtual reality goggles (below) and a game of Celebrity Head got the most airplay. Otherwise, we just pretty much had a lie down and did some serious binge-watching of old BBC Christmas specials and such. And then the phone calls.

It was so lovely.

Just being together and having nothing to do and nowhere to be was the best part of our 2016 Christmas. That, and my stuffed flamingo, below. Do you think there's a theme going on here?

I hope your end of year celebration was special. 2016 has been a truly bizzare year that's left few untouched. I'm so looking forward to the fresh new energy of 2017 (a number 1 year in our 9-year cycles), and I can already feel the positivity.

I'm not into resolutions, but I'll be continuing my quest to get outdoors more and live a Real Life as opposed to the Virtual one I've been trapped in for so long. I know others feel this, too... so many of us do. I want to spend more time with friends, in person, not via Facebook. I want to get into nature and feel the sun in my hair. I want to read much, much more--for pleasure, not work. I want to cook and garden and get back into photography.

Ella and me, Merimbula, Dec 2016

Basically, I just want to live--unencumbered by expectation. I want to plant my feet in soil and grow into my deepest passions and do only what I love. This year has taught me incalculably and now I'm ready to listen to the lessons and not only hear them, but action them.

We think about lessons. We talk about them. But we so rarely actually put them into place. It's time.

I'm also freshly excited about my work. Much of the time, it's commissioned work (which I do love) but I want to go out on more expansive limbs this year and create work that exists nowhere else but in my head, and comes from pure creativity. Australia Illustrated was the beginning of that for me, and I've got so many wonderful ideas, battering to get out.

It's scary to embark on long term projects with no guarantee they'll go anywhere, but that's what publishing is about, and that's the thrill of it. I've also come to realise that no amount of work is ever wasted. It's all a part of the journey--of building skills and finding direction.

I'm going to share these with you on this blog as they unfold. And I'm also going to share more tips and tricks for your own writing and illustrating journey, and will be revising and updating my handbook: The Fantastical Flying Creator, so keep an eye out for that one.

Through January, I'll be working on a picture book project I'm super passionate about--will be illustrating it. I have to slow-breathe when I think of it, I'm that excited.

Then in February, I'm embarking on my first illustration commission with the National Library of Australia--a fantastic project; will reveal more about that when I can.

In May 2017, I'll be attending the KidLitVic Meet the Publishers conference in Melbourne (hope to see you there), and will be showing my first illustration portfolio, so I have A LOT of work to do. This is all so new to me, and I'll share how the portfolio comes together, as a lot of you are forming your own, too.

Other than that, I pretty much want to stop faffing online and just LIVE. That's my mantra for 2017. Real Life living. If you feel this too, let's hold hands and take the leap together. No more FOMO. No more living life as a megabyte (or a gigabyte, as Dame Edna surely would attest).

If you're also keen to take your life and career to new heights, let's get off Facebook and bury ourselves in paint and paper and sketchbooks and notebooks ... in cafes and at the beach and on mountaintops. Even in a chair on the veranda will do.

2017. The year of living.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

a pre-Christmas wrap-up, with news, pretty pictures, plump pillows and other stuff

Week 50: FESTIVE

It's 1.32pm on 21 December and I've just, against all better judgment, eaten two fruit mince pies for lunch and then wandered the halls for nearly an hour, unable to decide on which pile to tackle.

That sentence pretty much sums up my 2016.

It's been a strange, fragmented, bizarro year of major ups and downs, calamity and calm, and the oddest sensation of feeling either upside down, or wanting to abscond to an isolated villa in Tuscany. Granted, the latter is pretty much a permanent sensation! But more so than ever this year.

It's been such a strange and challenging 12 months--for everyone, it seems--that I'm kind of expecting to wake up and realise it was all just an upside down dream.

That truly wouldn't surprise me at all. I'd wake and I'd go 'Wow, that was a marathon dream nightmare hybrid! I'm so happy to be awake now, yes I am!'

So, as I wait to wake, and as the fruit mince pies settle onto my thighs, I'm only making one resolution for 2017... and that's to recalibrate. Earth myself, house, family, world, work. All of it. Take what's needed and chuck the rest. Cleanse. Focus. Streamline. 2016 was the carnival ride sugar rush. 2017 will the rowboat on an expansive, deep and beautiful lake. A lake bustling with Things I Love to Do.

I hope it's like that for you, too.

In the meantime--here is a pre-Chrissie update before I disappear into a Lindt box the size our car (why fight it?).

This year, thanks to the carnival ride, our Christmas decorations are tiny and quiet, and Christmas lunch will be similarly tiny and quiet. Fairy lights, my little ceramic village and large stars made from plain brown paper bags (don't they look gold!?), took centre stage for decorating, along with advent calendar treats housed in black envelopes (the Jo Malone perfume advent was well out of my reach--come on mega publishing deal, come on!!).

Ella was begging for our 8ft monster faux pine--now in retirement at least 5 years--and the thought of it just suffocates me, especially as everyone absconds soon after the fairy lights go on, and mother is left alone to cover the entire thing in glitter-crusted ornaments (a four-hour task, minimum).


So, our little traditional feather tree once again festoons our living room--light and airy and EASY. This year, it's been adorned with Kikki-K baubles in metallic golds, silvers, clear, black and white. And this year I've dragged out the little red and white ribbon ornaments I made many moons ago, as well as white paper lanterns. Easy peasy decorating, and just so fresh and tinkly, with lots of light and air swirling in the spaces between.


I really must go through our Christmas decs. Do you need to do the same? We have cartons upon cartons of various-colour-themed trinkets, teetering like mini Mount Everests in the garage. It's time for a cull.

Our little nucleus of a family now has 6 or 7 deliciously vacant weeks ahead of us, with not much to do in them. My heart patters at the very thought.

We might go kayaking. Lake walking. Hiking. Yoga. Cooking outdoors. We'll do galleries and museums and cafes galore. Yoga. Watching a backlog of movies that's nearing a decade in length.

I also plan on painting. A lot. I'm starting some new picture book ideas that I also want to illustrate. And by February, I'll be into my first illustration commission for the National Library. Eeep.

Another big plan for summer is lots of gardening. The year has been so stupidly consuming, we've not even bothered with our summer veggie patch--the first time since we moved here almost nine years ago. We may plant some late-starters, and my big focus is to get a good solid bank of white hydrangeas going in the front garden (which you can glimpse out the window above).

We'll also plant succulents, and gather armfuls of iceberg roses from the garden. Our agapanthus are late to bloom this year, but the buds are now popping, and when they start to fade, I run around with secateurs and snip them off at the base, then stuff them into massive vases, forming great architectural structures resembling the dandelion puffs of giants.

Another thing I want to do ... mini terrariums, festooned with succulents and little ceramic animals. Like mini woodland worlds in glass pots. Below is one I made yesterday from baby succulents we found at the market at Merimbula on the weekend.

We had a lovely time in Merimbula. Oh my, that's a heavenly part of the world, and I highly recommend going before Christmas, as the hordes descend from Boxing Day onwards. We won't be going away again these hols--maybe a sneaky weekend trip to Sydney for the cricket (actually ... boys: cricket, girls: shop).

And now--a Merimbula intermission...

Glenbog State Forest, New South Wales, on way to Merimbula

How pretty was that? Inspired by plants and pink, I did a little painting while I was away, too. The one below, and the one at the tippety top of this post, for the 52-Week Illustration Challenge (my first since, oh... forever??).

Such a nice way to finish the year, and another nice way was to receive a Highly Commended for This is Captain Cook, in the ACT Writing and Publishing Awards on 15 December. Below, with friend and uber talent Stephanie Owen Reeder, who also HCd for Lennie the Legend. Big congrats to Jackie French for her win.

It's also been lovely to see Australia Illustrated doing well, allaying all the incumbent fears that come along with a first self-illustrated book.

And ANOTHER lovely way to end the year was the sensational wrap-up party for the Chief Minister's Reading Challenge (more here) at the National Library of Australia. Below with Tracey Hawkins, Irma Gold and Jack Heath.

And our local chapter SCBWI drinks at Mint Bar, Gorman House, Ainslie.

with Irma Gold and Tracey Hawkins

listening to Stephanie Owen Reeder (left) speak about Lennie the Legend

Just this morning, I picked up my author copies of This is Banjo Paterson, illustrated by my gorgeous friend Christina Booth, and out 1 February 2017. It looks so luscious in real life--it's always a thrill to hold a brand new book in hand (though I dare not look inside--I'm not superstitious--it's just a 'thing'! Takes me a while to open the cover).

I also collected my gift from Christina--an original from the book--the final spread (which makes me cry! you'll need to read the book to find out why). Just adore adore adore--and will treasure always.

AND I finally managed to snaffle some hard cover copies of Australian Kids Through the Years. This print run pretty much sold out within months of release, so it's great to be able to grab a handful of copies.

I vaingloriously sat to press CBCA Notable Book stickers on each one, calling out to my kids 'I'm pressing CBCA Notable book stickers onto my books!' Nothing but the sound of eye-rolling from various other rooms.

What else?

Oh! The 52-Week Illustration Challenge is on again for 2017. The illustrious Nicky Johnston will yet again take Directorship, and our divine Admin team are all sticking around, too. Membership has now reached almost 5.5K, can you believe that?

I was tasked with creating the 2017 logo set, and below is a peek at the green logo. You can see the weekly themes for 2017 by clicking on it.

Okay, I think that's enough for now. Better finish with a pic of my new cushion covers ... yes yes. On sale at Pillow Talk. Pillow heaven. (No, this is not a sponsored post.)

Wishing you and yours the most glorious festive break. May it be plump as pillows with all things delicious, heart-warming and memorable (I wrote 'memborable' and I thought it was such a fun and funny word, I had to share!).

Let's hold hands and dive into 2017 with gusto. I can already feel the change in energy, the delight and opportunity. I hope it's all that and more for you.

